Monday 22 February 2010

Film clips For Project (Tests) 3

Film clips For Project (Tests) 2

Film clips For Project (Tests)

Research On Designer, Mood and Effect!

The Cut (Working Partners for the project; Fathema Begum and Vanessa Fernandez)

Designer- Jonathan Saunders

Mood- Ethereal

Effect- Spilt Screen


Designer Information:

Jonathan Saunders is Scottish born print designer, graduating with a BA in printed textiles and with a MA distinction in printed textiles. Saunders wining the LancĂ´me colour award in 2002 and also awarded for the fashion enterprise in 2006 and Elle style award the following year. The designer has collaborated with brands such as Topshop and U.S. brand target. Saunders passion for prints has become his main focus for his designs and is undertaking architectural developments towards his upcoming designs.


Meaning or definition of the word Ethereal:

  1. Characterized by lightness and insubstantiality; intangible.
  2. Highly refined; delicate. See synonyms at airy.

    1. Of the celestial spheres; heavenly.
    2. Not of this world; spiritual.
  3. Chemistry. Of or relating to ether.

Thesaurus: Ethereal

So light and insubstantial as to resemble air or a thin film: airy, filmy, sheer, transparent, vaporous, vapory .

Effect: Spit screen

A method of showing different scenes or pieces of information at the same time on a film, television, or computer screen.